Camscore, at it's most basic, is your average tokens per hour for the last 60 days. The problem is, it also factors in what the average tokens/hour for the whole site is, so unless you have that number, you can't really get the tokens/hour.
On Amber's forum (link in the sidebar), we get together and occasionally determine what the current average tokens/hour is. At the moment, we're pretty sure it's around 385 tokens/hour.
So, step 1:
keep track of how many hours you spend on camera. Every day, record what time you log on, and what time you log off. Do this every single day, even once you've hit the 60 days.
Step 2:
Once you have sixty days of hours recorded, add up the total for 60 days. This will be hours.
Then add up your total tokens for the 60 days using your token stats page. This is tokens.
Step 3:
Plug your tokens and hours into this equation:
((tokens/hours)/400)*1000 = camscore
You should come up with your camscore. Note: 400 an estimated average tokens/hour for all models on the site. It's a stand-in, because the real number is somewhere close to that. It will be a little off, but you should know it within a couple hundred points. Second Note: 1000 is your averager. It's what tells the equation that the average camscore should be 1000. Without it, the average would be 1.
-Camscores do not update every minute or even every hour. They do not update whenever you log on or log off. Camscores update every several hours and will continue doing so as long as you are active on MFC.
-The only way to raise your camscore is to get tipped more tokens with less time online. Members- you can help! Tip your favorite camgirls so her camscore can raise.
-Worrying about camscore tends to lead to members not want to stick around. Thus the joke: the more you worry about camscore, the lower it goes, the less you worry about camscore, the higher it goes!
-1 token tips do not hurt your camscore. However, some models have reported that a flood of tips from many members can cause the system to not quite recognize all the tips that are sent. I have not experienced this phenomenon, and cannot say that it has any truth to it.
-ratings and admirations do not do anything to your camscore.
-if you still use the model software, staying logged in to the software counts as time online, even if you don't have your room up. Nothing else has this glitch.
Thanks, this actually makes sense